Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Beginning blog

Hello readers/fellow classmates

This is not an official post, it's only establishing myself on the online database. Hopefully as of tomorrow, I will be posting regualr updates themed around the prompts given to us by Mr Wunker. Please enjoy and do not hesitate to comment with your ideas and opinions about this project!

With sincerest wishes and positive outlooks on the rest of semester,
Emily Steers


  1. Hi Emily,
    I don't know if it's helpful to your project but I participated in a blog community last Lent. The St Bede's chapel community (mostly university students) were invited to submit daily reflections during the season of Lent. There were no particular rules for posting, just to reflect on the season of Lent, it's themes, anything that occurred to you from the readings or how other submissions affected you. You'll see that I wrote weekly to offer the view from the Southern Hemisphere as we entered autumn while the North entered spring. I also offered reflections on death and resurrection of course from the perspective of the aftermath of the earthquakes here. Anyway, if it is useful to you then have a look, it's still online. http://stbedes.tumblr.com/

  2. hey em,

    Do you have to have a seperate blog for English? I only ask, because your other one is SO much fun to read, so well written and a great blog already. So, why not just continue there? It's awesome!
